Sunday, June 22, 2014

GMO Banana's coming to America Courtesy of Bill Gates

(NaturalNews) What does the development of genetically modified bananas have to do with the with the world's richest man, founder of Microsoft Corp. Bill Gates? Everything.

As noted by CNet News, James Dale, the director for the Center for Tropical Crops and Biocommodities at Queensland University of Technology in Australia, says he's devoted a number of years to the creation of a better banana (what is currently wrong with the kind that grow naturally? We haven't a clue, but there it is).

Dale says he's been working on creating a pro-vitamin A-enriched banana since 2005. "Good science can make a massive difference here by enriching staple crops such as Ugandan bananas with pro-vitamin A and providing poor and subsistence-farming populations with nutritionally rewarding food," he said in a's richest man, founder of Microsoft Corp. Bill Gates? Everything.

'We know our science will work' - famous last words

And now, thanks to nearly $10 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dale is close to achieving his goal. As reported by CNet:

There is a big visual clue these bananas are different. They look the same on the outside, but the flesh is more orange than pale as a result of high vitamin A. Unlike the bananas we are used to in the U.S., these plantains are always cooked before being eaten. The banana is a common staple food, but it's lacking in micronutrients like vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiencies have been linked to weakened immune systems and blindness.

"We know our science will work. We made all the constructs, the genes that went into bananas, and put them into bananas here at QUT. Hundreds of different permutations went into field trials up north and we tested everything to make sure our science worked here in Queensland," Dale said.

The report noted that prior to human consumption the bananas were safely eaten by Mongolian gerbils (not sure what the connection is to humans but we're going with it). The strain of bananas destined for human consumption were grown in Queensland and have since been shipped to the United States. A six-week trial is scheduled and the results will be reported by the end of the year.

Dale says he hopes that Ugandan farmers will be growing the new GMO bananas by 2020.

Gates Foundation has a history of GMO support

On his foundation's blog, Gates trumpeted the research and sounded a hopeful tone for the outcome:

Before our visit, I didn't know much about bananas. Dale, an agricultural scientist, is one of the world's leading experts. He has been profiled in The New Yorker, in a fascinating article about the history of bananas as an export crop. As the article explains, a blight has spread among plantations in Asia and Australia in recent years, badly damaging production of the one type of banana that is grown for export, the Cavendish. This disease, a fungus, hasn't spread to Latin America yet, but if it does, bananas could get a lot scarcer and more expensive in North America and elsewhere. Dale is working to develop new versions of the Cavendish that resist the fungus. He does this by inserting genetic material from other organisms into banana plants.

This work is separate from the research that our foundation supports, although some of the same techniques and scientific principles are involved, including transgenic experiments. Making banana plants less susceptible to diseases is a secondary goal for us. Our primary goal is to help Dale develop new types of banana that are more nutritious - specifically, much richer in Vitamin A and Iron that the body can absorb.

If, somehow, bananas are eradicated from the planet, other non-GMO sources of vitamin A include broccoli, carrots, apricots and sweet potatoes.

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US Buying Slave Labor Shrimp from Wallmart and Costco

According to the article from Natural News, much of the US shrimp that is coming from China,  Thialand, and other Asian countries are being raised by enslaved, starving people and encourages all not to buy these shrimp from Walmart or  Costco.....I agree.

NaturalNews) Some of the most popular American corporations are importing shrimp at super-cheap prices from Thailand, where migrant workers are in slavery, like in Nazi Germany, being tortured while they work for no pay 20 hours a day. How much shrimp is being imported that's processed by slaves, including child slaves? Walmart and Costco are contributing to the chaos, buying and selling shrimp exported from Thailand every year, and it's slave-labor shrimp at "rock bottom" cost. No wonder Walmart and Costco are such "successful" businesses. What else are they buying that's made by slaves who are tortured mentally and physically while working 20-hour days for zero pay? Wine, maybe.

No wonder these massive corporations can afford to advertise regularly on TV. Now you see. Now you see what corporations are really doing to America, supporting this, and adding to the "behind-closed-doors" slavery, much like Nazi Germany 75 years ago. Are you a criminal if you know about criminal activity and still give the perpetrators your money?

Now we all see where real advertising revenue is generated -- by selling super-cheap shrimp, and we're talking about FARM-RAISED shrimp that are fed toxic non-edible seafood and processed by tortured slaves. No wonder these huge American corporations can afford to advertise, during prime time, or during the Superbowl, and have billboards near every major highway exit, and full-page/full-color ads on the back page of newspapers.

Natural News' J.D. Heyes reported:

A 2013 report by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) titled "The Hidden Cost: Human Rights Abuses in Thailand's Shrimp Industry" notes that the country is the largest exporter of shrimp in the world, exporting over 392,000 tons in 2011; 46 percent of that shrimp went to the U.S., while Thailand accounted for more than 10 percent of Europe's total shrimp imports.

"The shrimp industry is heavily reliant on migrant workers, many of whom are trafficked and face arduous journeys before having to endure abusive conditions in Thailand's exploitative shrimp factories," the report said. "Due to a desire to keep costs as low as possible, major exporting companies often subcontract to external pre-processing facilities. These facilities, also referred to as 'peeling sheds', remove the heads, veins and hard shell of shrimp and prepare it for secondary or value-added processing. This pre-processing stage of production is the most labor-intensive and least regulated aspect of an otherwise sophisticated supply chain. This informal nature makes it particularly prone to poor working conditions, breaches of national and international labor standards, child and forced labor, exploitation and abuse."

Pricing shrimp on the "open market"

Walmart shrimp is imported from Thailand:

Get your slavery shrimp right here, extra large (farm raised) raw, peeled and de-veined!

Here's a review right from Walmart's website -- dated 05/19/2014: "Purchased 5 packages of this shrimp and so far have used 3. The first 2 had exactly 22 shrimp in the packages. Not quite the 26 minimum I was expecting. The third package had just 20. Now I've got a problem. I'm getting nearly 30% less than I expected from the package. Very dissatisfied." (

So then, Wally World (Walmart) can't even sell "slavery shrimp" without shorting the customer some pieces?

Costco shrimp is imported from Thailand:

SeaMazz "prime" shrimp are farm-raised and a product of Thailand:

Are you price shopping or "value" shopping?

Look! Two pounds of tail-off shrimp under 16 bucks! Wow. How do they continue to price so low? You can't get half of that in a restaurant. Do you have a membership to the slave-labor support group? Maybe you should NEVER get one or cancel yours now.

Here's a customer review from Costco's website: "I eagerly tried it. It's made of shrimp, but it doesn't really taste like shrimp, because so much of the normal taste that one enjoys of shrimp is the texture that one gets from individual shrimps. I tried varied things, and then tossed the rest of the box (more than 80 percent)." (

"Tossed the rest of the box"? She threw out 80% of Costco's shrimp, but why? -- Because the "normal taste" and "texture" is not there! Sounds like a major problem for Thailand and their "pre-processing" concentration camps.

Non-slave-labor shrimp

Your shrimp options are here! Shrimp just happens to be the number one seafood eaten in America, from shrimp cocktail and shrimp dip to shrimp scampi. You'll find it in a majority of sushi rolls and as sashimi. But devastating ocean life and degrading mangrove habitats can get quite nasty. Mix that with some toxic industry pollution, slave labor and Fukushima cesium-137 radiation and how will you feel after you consume it, whether knowingly or not? You should be avoiding all farm-raised shrimp and boycotting all imported wild shrimp from your grocery list and your restaurant choices. Think about biodiversity and humanity every time you consider seafood from now on. It's worth the time, money and consideration! Also, for organic, sustainable foods, here's a great resource:

Sources for this article include:

Walmart's 2014 Superbowl commercial on smart phone trade-ins:

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Why Are European Countries Refusing US Apples?

It’s sad when one of the biggest ‘super powers’ can’t even export a quintessentially American food to another country because it is too toxic to eat. But apples treated with diphenylamine (DPA), a substance which keeps them from turning brown for months at a time when they are kept in storage, is now a sore spot for importers of American apples.

DPA isn’t harmful all by itself, but it breaks down into carcinogenic elements. It’s been used since 1962, but was banned in the European Union in 2012 since producers couldn’t answer inquiries about its safety. European food safety regulators wanted more information on it, but none could be summoned. The apple industry simply responded with one study “that detected three unknown chemicals on DPA-treated apples, but it could not determine if any of these chemicals, apparently formed when the DPA broke down, were nitrosamines.”

British scientists, John Barnes and Peter Magee, in 1956, reported that dimethylnitrosamine produced liver tumors in rats, and later went on to test other nitrosamines and N-nitroso compounds. They found that the compounds caused all kinds of problems, including liver cancer, lung cancer, and even botulism.

Caution: GMO, Non-Browning Arctic Apple Coming Soon

No wonder European officials were concerned. In 2012, they slashed the allowable levels of DPA on apples to 0.1 parts per million, but now they don’t want those gleaming, spot-free apples normally seen on super market shelves in the States, at all. DPA residues were found on over 80 samples taken from US imports, with an average reading of 0.42 parts per million, well above their ‘allowable’ level.

Funny then, how the U.S. EPA Office of Pesticides tasked with reviewing all pesticides and chemicals on our agricultural produce told the EWG that they had no idea their was a ban on DPA. The EPA then had the nerve to tell the EWG that they had no intention of reviewing DPA safety standards, in light of European’s refusal to eat our poisoned fruit.

Reminds you of the Snow White fairy tale, doesn’t it. Here, little lady, eat the fruit. The Europeans said no thanks, and the rest of us would be better off getting our apples from a bunch of cutely named dwarves.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Things You Should Never Compromise

  1. Always wake up and have a tall glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon. (Does wonders for your digestion, immune system, & eats cellulite)
  2. Instead of coffee, have a tall glass of freshly juiced green veggies. (curbs the appetite, leaves you satisfied for hours, stops the sugar cravings)
  3. Incorporate fresh fruit and veggies into every meal. (the more veggies, the better)
  4. Snack on fresh fruit or veggies (detox your body. detox = weight loss  & energy)
  5. Never forget The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly(
  6. Be sure its worth it. Never eat anything unless its worth it. (think about it before you eat it)
  7. Eat Organic. Your body will function better if its not weighed down by so many chemicals.
  8. Water, Water, & Water (the more you drink, the faster you body can flush out the toxins and the cellulite)
  9. Physical movement. (walk, run, bike) Any movement you do increases your blood flow which in turn cleanses your liver and kidneys which in turn bring oxygen to your cells which in turn give you energy which in turn causes your body to perform at it maximum ability which in turn causes you to be happy, healthy, & full of energy.