Thursday, May 22, 2014

Soda is keeping you FAT

I was a Diet Coke lover. I used to drink at least 2-4 large Big Gulps every day for years. Starting at 4:30am I would stop at the local gas station on my way to the office to pick up my big Gulp top start the day. This of course was before Starbuck existed. As the day went on, I would stop at 7-11 on my lunch break, afternoon break and again on my way home. All this amounted anywhere from 2-4 Big gulps per day.

I first realized something was wrong when I could not loose weight and get the cellulite off my thighs. I tried every diet under the sun, every new fad program, every piece of exercise equipment, trainers, classes etc etc. Nothing worked.

Then I learned there is a particular chemical in soda that actually preserves the FAT cells in your body. So while I was spinning in circles, trying everything and spending thousands of dollars on diet pills, doctors, and gyms, this particular chemical was preserving the FAT I was working so hard to get rid of. Its like a never ending circle, you just go around and around without end and without results.

What is this chemical? Aspartame. Aspartame is a product that consists of aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is a chemical that breaks down in high temperatures and turns into formaldehyde and DKP (diketopiperazine) Formaldehyde is the stuff morticians use to preserve bodies for several days, usually until the funeral.

So, in essence you are drinking formaldehyde which is preserving your FAT cells. I knew the soda had to be eliminated from my life and needed to go immediately.

Its been 6 years and I don't regret it one bit. I drink plenty of water, herbal iced teas and fresh juice to keep me happy, healthy, satisfied, and FAT free!

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